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2004-07-15 - 7:09 p.m.


My co-workers and I love to play a game at work that I call "Crazy Captions".   "How do we play?"  Funny you should ask.  One of us sends an email to the others with some type of picture attached.  Then we start emailing the picture back and forth and adding crazier new captions each time.  It gets hysterical with us trying to out-do each other.  Some days it is just hard to work while trying to hold down the laughter. 

I decided to dedicate at least one diary each week to posting unusual pictures and seeing what kind of crazy comments get posted for it.  I was going to start with a picture of Incredipete but decided to wait until he sends me one with pink undies and leather corsette.  So in the meantime, I'll start with this one.


Crazy Caption:  "That's right, Mr. Trump.  Omarosa ain't got shit on me!  I'll sell twice as much lemonade on Wall Street as that beyotch!"

Got the picture? (pun intended)

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10 freaks had something to say about it

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My last five diary entries:

Crazy Captions Picture #3 - 2004-07-19
Crazy Captions Picture #2 - 2004-07-17
Crazy Captions Picture #1 - 2004-07-15
Diarrhea - it's not just a kids game anymore - 2004-07-09
Enjoy snipe hunting? Try skank stalking! - 2004-07-08

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