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2004-07-09 - 9:06 p.m.

When you're slidin' into first and you're feelin' something burst - diarrhea, diarrhea.

Do you remember that childhood chant?� My friends and I used to try to gross each other out with the worst rhymes we could think of.� I remember some of the better verses I heard:

When you're slidin' into home and your shorts are full of foam - diarrhea, diarrhea.

When you're sittin' in your Chevy and your pants are feelin' heavy - diarrhea, diarrhea.

When you're runnin' to take a dump and your start to feel a lump - diarrhea, diarrhea.

I remember making one up and I won every "My Verse is Better Than Your Verse" contest with it.� Ready?�� Hold onto your thongs.

When your stomach starts a'churnin' and your butthole starts to burnin' - diarrhea, diarrhea.

Ahh, the well spent hours of my misspent youth.

Do you have a favorite verse?

Mad props to da gang from Incredipete's site and, of course, to my benefactor - Incredipete.� These are for y'all.� I got nothing but love for ya, babies!

When you're sittin' next to Jackie and you're feelin' something crappy - diarrhea, diarrhea.

When you're givin' head to BJizzle and you're feelin' something drizzle - diarrhea, diarrhea.

When Wendy's standin' in her thong and something's drippin' brown and long - diarrhea, or it could be thea. (Sorry, "boo"!)

When HRT is lyin' on his back and something's runnin' down his crack - diarrhea, diarrhea.

When Incredipete starts shakin' his little booty 'cuz he's doin' a little doody - diarrhea, diarrhea.

Got a better one?� Be sure to post it in the comments section.� My homies over at the local correctional facility will be weighing in with their votes later on this week.� (I'd like to give a shout out to inmate #15388...Wendy's brother.)

Bipartisan humor for the day ����� Who's full of more crap - Kerry or Bush?� Click here to find out.

but I'm Shameless!!!!

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My last five diary entries:

Crazy Captions Picture #3 - 2004-07-19
Crazy Captions Picture #2 - 2004-07-17
Crazy Captions Picture #1 - 2004-07-15
Diarrhea - it's not just a kids game anymore - 2004-07-09
Enjoy snipe hunting? Try skank stalking! - 2004-07-08

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